API SQL Downloads

This is an experimental feature, and the implementation may change throughout 2024. The feature is currently available for preview on the GBIF test environment, GBIF-UAT.org.

The experimental Occurrence SQL Download API allows users to query GBIF occurrences using SQL, structured query language, a programming language commonly used to access database systems. In contrast to the Predicate Download API, the SQL API allows selection of the columns of interest and generating summary views of the data. Functions to generate data cubes are available, as part of the Biodiversity Building Blocks for Policy ("B-Cubed") project.

Occurrence SQL downloads are created asynchronously — the user requests a download and, once the download is prepared, is sent an email with a link to the resulting file.

It is necessary to register as a user on GBIF-UAT.org to create an SQL download request, and to authenticate using the username (not the email) and password.

Using this API requires some knowledge of SQL. Many general tutorials and guides to writing SQL queries are online, for example Data management with SQL for Ecologists (by Data Carpentry), see particularly the section on aggregating and grouping data.

We will create a user interface for common types of query (e.g. data cubes) during 2024.

Requesting an SQL occurrence download

A download request includes your username, email address, the download format, and the filter for the required data in the form of an SQL statement.

A basic example using the curl command to make the request:

Put this in a file called query.json:

  "creator": "userName", (1)
  "notificationAddresses": [
    "userEmail@example.org" (2)
  "sendNotification": true,
  "format": "SQL_TSV_ZIP", (3)
  "sql": "SELECT datasetKey, countryCode, COUNT(*) FROM occurrence WHERE continent = 'EUROPE' GROUP BY datasetKey, countryCode" (4)
1 Replace with your username
2 Replace with your email address, or remove the notificationAddresses section and set sendNotification to false
3 format must be SQL_TSV_ZIP. More formats will be added later.
4 This query will count occurrences from Europe per dataset and country.

Then use this Curl command:

curl --include --user userName:PASSWORD --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @query.json https://api.gbif-uat.org/v1/occurrence/download/request

A download key is returned. Querying that download key shows the download information, including the download link and DOI once the download is ready. Run this repeatedly, until you see SUCCEEDED — you will need to use your download key rather than the example:

curl -Ss https://api.gbif-uat.org/v1/occurrence/download/0000000-240127142345659

You can then download the resulting file:

curl --location --remote-name https://api.gbif-uat.org/occurrence/download/request/0000000-240127142345659.zip

And see the result:

datasetkey                              countrycode   count(*)
502d390c-d8ee-430b-8fe2-9acb3c433fe0    FR            400
5309fe43-dc4f-4de8-804a-a29b2f28035a    FR            540
530febaa-b914-416c-b3bf-f49a1dd821f0    LT            73
535567d6-5f96-4187-9607-259d120bae50    FR            3
53e9eca5-6831-4a43-a109-130feecfcd9c    EE            3
53f2cda4-a2fd-49f0-b3e5-0782c9770e7c    NO            5505
5a6538b8-e35c-46c4-8978-6858a657a75f    NL            119

Supported SQL

Only SELECT queries are supported, and only queries against a single table, occurrence. JOIN queries and sub-queries are not allowed. Selecting * is also not allowed, specify the columns you need.

GROUP BY queries are supported, but not HAVING clauses.

Most common SQL operators and functions are supported, such as AND, OR, NOT, IS NULL, RAND(), ROUND(…), LOWER(…), etc.

Aggregate functions are also supported, for example COUNT(…), MIN(…), MAX(…), AVERAGE(…).

Several custom functions are available:

  • gbif_geoDistance

  • gbif_joinArray

  • gbif_toISO8601

  • gbif_toLocalISO8601

As well as custom aggregate functions:

  • gbif_eeargCode

Available columns

The occurrence table contains the interpreted data, the verbatim (as provided to GBIF) data, and some calculated columns useful for searching. This API call shows the available columns — the name field is the column name. Note the v_ prefix for the verbatim data columns.

The SQL parser is strict, and column names that are also SQL keywords must be quoted. For example, "year", "month" and "day".

Query validation

You can validate your queries using the validation API call.

curl --include --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @query.json https://api.gbif-uat.org/v1/occurrence/download/request/validate

Your query will be returned if it is valid, and an error message with an explanation will be returned if it is invalid.

Data cube example

Data cubes are views of GBIF occurrence data, filtered and summarized by species, time and location, and providing measures for each dimension.

This detailed query applies several quality filters for data for occurrences in Slovenia recorded since 2000. It produces a summary by year of observation/collection, species and the EEA Reference Grid (PDF) using a 1km grid size. For each row, the minimum coordinate uncertainty is given.

  gbif_eeargCode(1000, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, COALESCE(coordinateUncertaintyInMeters, 1000)) AS eeaCellCode,
  COUNT(*) AS count,
  MIN(COALESCE(coordinateUncertaintyInMeters, 1000)) AS minCoordinateUncertaintyInMeters
FROM occurrence
      occurrenceStatus = 'PRESENT'
  AND speciesKey IS NOT NULL
  AND NOT array_contains(issue, 'ZERO_COORDINATE')
  AND NOT array_contains(issue, 'COORDINATE_OUT_OF_RANGE')
  AND NOT array_contains(issue, 'COORDINATE_INVALID')
  AND NOT array_contains(issue, 'COUNTRY_COORDINATE_MISMATCH')
  AND (identificationVerificationStatus IS NULL
       OR NOT (   LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%unverified%'
               OR LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%unvalidated%'
               OR LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%not able to validate%'
               OR LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%control could not be conclusive due to insufficient knowledge%'
               OR LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%unconfirmed%'
               OR LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%unconfirmed - not reviewed%'
               OR LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%validation requested%'
  AND countryCode = 'SI'
  AND "year" >= 2000
  AND hasCoordinate
GROUP BY "year", eeaCellCode, speciesKey
ORDER BY "year" DESC, eeaCellCode ASC, speciesKey ASC;

New line characters cannot be used in the JSON file used to make the API query, and the " characters within the query must be escaped with a backslash \:

  "creator": "userName",
  "sendNotification": false,
  "format": "SQL_TSV_ZIP",
  "sql": "SELECT \"year\", gbif_eeargCode(1000, decimallatitude, decimallongitude, COALESCE(coordinateUncertaintyInMeters, 1000)) AS eeaCellCode, speciesKey, COUNT(*) AS \"count\", MIN(COALESCE(coordinateUncertaintyInMeters, 1000)) AS \"minCoordinateUncertaintyInMeters\" FROM occurrence WHERE occurrenceStatus = 'PRESENT' AND speciesKey IS NOT NULL NOT array_contains(issue, 'ZERO_COORDINATE') AND NOT array_contains(issue, 'COORDINATE_OUT_OF_RANGE') AND NOT array_contains(issue, 'COORDINATE_INVALID') AND NOT array_contains(issue, 'COUNTRY_COORDINATE_MISMATCH') AND (identificationVerificationStatus IS NULL OR NOT (LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%unverified%' OR LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%unvalidated%' OR LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%not able to validate%' OR LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%control could not be conclusive due to insufficient knowledge%' OR LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%unconfirmed%' OR LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%unconfirmed - not reviewed%' OR LOWER(identificationVerificationStatus) LIKE '%validation requested%')) AND countryCode = 'SI' AND \"year\" >= 2000 AND hasCoordinate GROUP BY \"year\", eeaCellCode, speciesKey ORDER BY \"year\" DESC, eeaCellCode ASC, speciesKey ASC"

The query can be validated and submitted as described above.